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The term DRM is also sometimes referred to as copy protection, technical protection measures, copy prevention, or copy control, although the correctness of doing so is disputed.

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com Watch32 is the Biggest Library of free Full Movies. Such laws are part of the United States Digital Millennium Copyright Act,1. Worldwide, many laws have been created which criminalize the circumvention of DRM, communication about such circumvention, and the creation and distribution of tools used for such circumvention. 8 The Electronic Frontier Foundation EFF and the Free Software Foundation FSF consider the use of DRM systems to be an anti competitive practice. 7 DRM can also restrict users from exercising their legal rights under the copyright law, such as backing up copies of CDs or DVDs instead having to buy another copy, if it can still be purchased, lending materials out through a library, accessing works in the public domain, or using copyrighted materials for research and education under the fair use doctrine,3 and under French law.

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6 Furthermore, works can become permanently inaccessible if the DRM scheme changes or if the service is discontinued.

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5 Those opposed to DRM contend there is no evidence that DRM helps prevent copyright infringement, arguing instead that it serves only to inconvenience legitimate customers, and that DRM helps big business stifle innovation and competition. Proponents of DRM argue that it is necessary to prevent intellectual property from being copied freely, just as physical locks are needed to prevent personal property from being stolen,3 that it can help the copyright holder maintain artistic control,4 and that it can ensure continued revenue streams. 2The use of digital rights management is not universally accepted. 1 DRM technologies try to control the use, modification, and distribution of copyrighted works such as software and multimedia content, as well as systems within devices that enforce these policies. Digital rights management DRM is a set of access control technologies for restricting the use of proprietary hardware and copyrighted works.

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